Boa tarde, pessoal. Com autorização do Fabiano venho apresentar meu novo projeto, que irá beneficiar a Martik .

03 Jul 2023, 18:09
❗Boa tarde, pessoal Com autorização do Fabiano venho apresentar meu novo projeto, que irá beneficiar a Martik ! Petcoin é um novo token que visa transformar a vida dos animais de rua por meio de parcerias estratégicas com instituições e influenciadores comprometidos. Investindo em nosso projeto, os participantes automaticamente contribuem com a causa por meio das taxas aplicadas, demodo a fornecer abrigo e alimentação de qualidade para os animais que vivem nas ruas, ajudando-os a encontrar lares amorosos. ▶️ Supply: (88% será queimado nos primeiros 15 dias após o lançamento). Taxa de compra: 4% (direto pra queima) Taxa de venda: 12% (4% marketing | 3% doações | 4% fundo de investimentos | 1% liquidez) 💥 O Fundo de Investimentos da Petcoin irá comprar 15 projetos toda quinzena, entre eles Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, XRP, Martik, entre outros... E todos os lucros provenientes desses projetos serão injetados no nosso gráfico, e direcionados para queima (para entender melhor, leia nosso Whitepaper). 💥 🔔 Preço na Private (10/07 à 05/08): US$ 0,00000050 🔔 Preço na Pink-Sale (05/08 à 12/08): US$ 0,00000055 🔔 Preço de lançamento (12/08 às 20 hs): US$: 0,00000060 🕥 Estou fazendo uma condição especial para os investidores da Martik. A partir desse momento até domingo (09/07) vocês podem comprar através do P2P com 50% de desconto em relação ao lançamento, pelo preço de *US$ 0,00000040* Além disso você pode se tornar cotista da pré-venda comprando pelo menos 500 milhões de tokens. Vamos distribuir 10% de tudo o que for arrecadado na pré-venda para todos os cotistas 🕙 Participem do nosso grupo e tirem todas as suas dúvidas ⁉️ Abraços 😊

Same news in other sources

MartikMTK #9404
03 Jul 2023, 18:09
❗Good afternoon everyone With Fabiano's authorization I come to present my new project, which will benefit Martik! Petcoin is a new token that aims to transform the lives of stray animals through strategic partnerships with committed institutions and influencers. By investing in our project, participants automatically contribute to the cause through the fees applied, to provide quality shelter and food for the animals that live on the streets, helping them find loving homes. ▶️ Supply: 10,000,000,000,000 (88% will be burned in the first 15 days after launch). Purchase fee: 4% (direct to firing) Sales fee: 12% (4% marketing | 3% donations | 4% investment fund | 1% liquidity) 💥 The Petcoin Investment Fund will buy 15 projects every fortnight, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, XRP, Martik, among others... And all profits from these projects will be injected into our chart, and directed to burning (for understand better, read our Whitepaper). 💥 🔔 Price in Private (10/07 to 05/08): US$ 0.00000050 🔔 Pink-Sale price (05/08 to 12/08): US$ 0.00000055 🔔 Launch price (12/08 at 20:00): US$: 0.00000060 🕥 I'm making a special offer for Martik's investors. From that moment until Sunday (09/07) you can buy through P2P with a 50% discount compared to the launch, for the price of *US$ 0.00000040* In addition, you can become a pre-sale shareholder by purchasing at least 500 million tokens. We will distribute 10% of everything raised in the pre-sale to all quotaholders 🕙 Join our group and ask all your questions ⁉️ Hugs 😊
Good afternoon everyone. With Fabiano's authorization I come to present my new project, which will benefit Martik.
❗Good afternoon everyone ❗ With Fabiano's authorization I come to present my new project, which will benefit Martik! Petcoin is a new token that aims to transform the lives of stray animals through strategic partnerships with committed institutions and influencers. By investing in our project, participants automatically contribute to the cause through the fees applied, to provide quality shelter and food for the animals that live on the streets, helping them find loving homes. ▶️ Supply: 10,000,000,000,000 (88% will be burned in the first 15 days after launch). ✅ Purchase fee: 4% (direct to firing) ✅ Sales fee: 12% (4% marketing | 3% donations | 4% investment fund | 1% liquidity) 💥 The Petcoin Investment Fund will buy 15 projects every fortnight, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, XRP, Martik, among others... And all profits from these projects will be injected into our chart, and directed to burning (for understand better, read our Whitepaper). 💥 🔔 Price in Private (10/07 to 05/08): US$ 0.00000050 🔔 Pink-Sale price (05/08 to 12/08): US$ 0.00000055 🔔 Launch price (12/08 at 20:00): US$: 0.00000060 🕥 I'm making a special offer for Martik's investors. From that moment until Sunday (09/07) you can buy through P2P with a 50% discount compared to the launch, for the price of *US$ 0.00000040* In addition, you can become a pre-sale shareholder by purchasing at least 500 million tokens. We will distribute 10% of everything raised in the pre-sale to all quotaholders 🕙 Join our group and ask all your questions ⁉️ Hugs 😊